Thursday, July 24, 2008

Confidence and trust creates relaxation

Sage Creek the barn that Ringo calls home is getting ready for a show. The atmosphere is exuding in big show energy. Jim uses the opportunity to expose Ringo to many new sights and sounds. Tractors , trucks ,trailers ,vendors unloading there trailers, dogs, chairs, tables huge show energy to create a opportunity for growth.


Madeleine said...

nice name ringo. Looks like a nice stang! Hope to see you in Texas.Robert Carlson

wild flower said...

Donnette and Jim, It is exciting to see the progress you have made thru your correct and positive training. The mustang horses have lots of good bloodlines from the Iberian horses and also the Army Remount horses that were released, lost, etc into the wild herds. They can be so talented in the right hands, given a chance to understand the training. Good luck in Texas, I know you will be on top! Linda Fullmer